Hair Diseases

Hair Loss & Hair Thinning Treatment
A head has about 100,000 to 150,000 hair and each hair grows from a sac like structures called follicle. In fact, what we see as a hair is the shaft of the hair and its part that lies deep beneath the skin is the root. Interestingly both the shaft and the root are nothing but a dead appendage of the skin; the only living part is the follicle below the skin and surrounding the root. The follicle is nourished by blood & nerve supply in a junction area called 'papilla'.Most of the hair problems are the repercussions at follicle level, by causative factors in any of our functional organs.
FAQs about Hair Loss and Hair Thinning
1. What do you mean by Holistic treatment for Hair loss?
Holistic care means the care for the whole person that is his mind, body and spirit and not the disease/ problem/ symptoms alone. Holistic system believes that the whole person is made up of independent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. In this way, if people have imbalances physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in their lives it can negatively affect their overall skin and hair. Holistic treatment would thus not only remove the symptoms along with the underlying cause of your problem / disease but would then also maintain your overall well being. To attain the Holistic Wellness the doctors at Valeda have envisaged the easy path that constitutes a Procedure Plan and a Product Plan. The Procedure Plan shall include the Constitutional Diet and Constitutional Homoeopathic Medicines along with Divine Detoxification and Relaxation. The Product Plan includes selected external applications for management of problem symptoms.
Holistic treatment at Valeda is practiced in partnership with doctors and their patients. We shall holistically diagnose the root causative factors of your problem and if need be then also by latest scientific modalities. The cause may not necessarily be into the problem area. It can be some other functional organ of the body. The cause may or may not be medically significant. The causative factors will decide the treatment strategy. Treatments at Valeda Wellness Centers include oral Homoeopathic remedies supported by external applications.
Remember that the reasons for hair and scalp problems are mostly not into the scalp area therefore the majority of the external applications alone are not sufficient, to take care of chronic scalp problems. Strengthening the hair follicle by nutritive, circulatory and therapeutic effects remains the essential aim at Valeda Wellness Centers. It is to ultimately ward off scalp infections, to supplement keratin biosynthesis, to condition hair and improve gloss and appearance of the hair. Identification and elimination of causes with Homoeopathic Remedies, Scalp Acupuncture, Shirodhara and Supplemented usage of External Hair Applications contributes to its best in treating the hair loss. Strengthening the hair follicles by nutritive, circulatory and therapeutic effects remains the essential aim at Valeda Wellness to treat the problem. The condition of hair loss improves in all the cases, on regular compliance of the instructions by Valeda Doctors
3. Can only Oils and external applications cure Hair loss?
True, as till date no substance, not even our Valeda Hair Oils, is known to the world of science which when applied externally to the human head will cause in a statistically high number of cases the regrowth of normal hair on a head which has become bald.
Strengthening the hair follicles by nutritive, circulatory and therapeutic effect remains the essential aim at Valeda Herbal Pvt. Ltd., to ultimately ward off scalp infections, to supplement keratin biosynthesis, to condition hair and to improve gloss and appearance of hair.
The 'Valeda Hair Test' conducted by Doctors/Specialists at Valeda Herbal Pvt. Ltd. at the onset of treatment ensures finding & attempts at eliminating causative factors.
4. Is Hair Loss genetic?
Yes, Hair loss usually runs in the family and genes play a very crucial role especially in males.
5. Can you give me some home care tips for hair loss?
● Use soybean milk and other high protein preparations in your diet. Balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and iron is recommended.
● Take care that minimum trauma is caused to hair while shampooing, drying, combing, brushing and styling.
● Maintain hygiene and dirt free condition of hair by appropriate cleansing.
● Select correct shampoo suitable for your hair type viz Dry, Oily, Normal, Lusterless or Chemically damaged. You may call Valeda expert on 9313233341 to help you identify your hair type.
● Use a wide toothed comb with rounded tips for combing.
6. Where can I get more information and tips about my problems?
You can follow us on our Valeda blog, facebook page @valedaclinic and YouTube channel @valeda doctor. Ever since the year 1990 our Dr Seema Bali is often invited to express her views on this topic on various TV channels. More than hundred of TV recordings of her programs are available on YouTube channel; please visit
Valeda Herbal Hair Fall Youtube Channel
7. How much will the treatment cost?
Treatment cost will depend on the procedures recommended by the doctor taking the consultation. Recommended procedures depend on the nature of the problem and certain individual factors. Cost of some of the treatments & procedures for reference is mentioned in the following table:

The obvious causes for Hair falling or thinning are:
● Extensive skin disease.
● Acute mental strain.
● Debilitating diseases or febrile illness.
● Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.
● Impaired Keratin Biosynthesis at follicle level
● Weakness at follicle level.
● Shifting of residence or change of climate.
● Poor diet.
● Side effect of drugs.
Male pattern baldness is a hereditary balding pattern, which generally starts in the twenties with a recession of hair in the temporal peaks and/or thinning in the crown. If left untreated, the extent of the baldness can extend from the front top of the head back to the crown, leaving a fringe of hair around the sides and back of the scalp.
Why Valeda? How are treatments at Valeda different from any conventional mode?
Basis of treatment at Valeda
The basis of treatment at Valeda is treating the problem through Holistic Modes.
The problem is not just external, there are many other causative factors in some other internal areas which are thoroughly analyzed during your consultation before starting the treatment.
The causative factors may not be necessarily based into the affected region and may be associated with disorders of internal organs.
It is, 'the nature of the problem' that calls in for the strategy of the treatment which may include internal remedies supported by external modalities like:- localized immune-enhancer activities to affected region i.e. acupuncture, applications of products with certified organic herbs, modernized cosmetology and procedures based on ancient principles as mentioned in classical text including Constitutional diet & Yoga. On examination by the concerned Doctor and on case taking these details are given to you as a routine procedure.
Since the reasons of hair & scalp problems are not mostly into the scalp area most of the external applications are not sufficient alone, to take care of chronic scalp infections. Strengthening the hair follicle by nutritive, circulatory and therapeutic effects remains the essential aim at Valeda Wellness Centers to ultimately ward off scalp infections, to supplement keratin biosynthesis, to condition hair and to improve gloss and appearance of the hair.