Skin Diseases
Leucoderma & Vitiligo

The causative factors may not be necessarily based into the affected region and may be associated with disorders of internal organs. It is, 'the nature of the problem' that calls in for the strategy of the treatment which may include internal remedies supported by external modalities like:- localized immune enhancer activities to affected region i.e. Acupuncture, Applications of products with certified organic herbs, Modernized cosmetology and procedures based on ancient principles as mentioned in classical text including Constitutional diet & Yoga. On examination by the concerned Doctor and on case taking these details are given to you as a routine procedure.
Our skin has special pigment (melanin) producing cells called melanocytes. Colour of the skin depends on quality & quantity of such pigments. The abnormal whiteness of the skin is due to the absence of pigmentation may occur in patches or over entire surface of the skin. It may be Albinism with congenital absence of pigment from skin, hair and iris of the eye or Vitiligo characterized by loss of pigment in bands or patches on skin or hair 3% of Indian population suffers from white patches. It is a non-contagious skin disorder in which pink, copper or white colored patches appear on skin and patches always remain dry. It is seen in all races and age group and is more troublesome in people with darker skin. It is more noticeable in summer season.
FAQs about Leucoderma and Vitiligo
1. What is the difference between Leucoderma and Vitiligo?
Leucos = White and Derma = Skin, means Leucoderma is a condition that is evident by white patches on your skin. The skin colour is given by the type and quantum of melanin pigment produced by typical cells known as melanocytes. When these cells stop producing the pigment or when they get destroyed either on their own or due to various other factors the white patches appear on the skin in a condition called Leucoderma. The term Leucoderma and Vitiligo are often used interchangeably although some medical scientists believe that Vitiligo is a type of Leucoderma only. In various literatures the difference cited between these terms is as Vitiligo as a condition where the loss of pigmentation is an ongoing process whereas in Leucoderma it has been ultimately lost. Whereas the cause of Leucoderma is essentially considered as physical trauma, the Vitiligo may get caused as an autoimmune disorder, other metabolic systemic disorders, intake of certain foods and drug induced. Also that Leucoderma can be Albinism that is congenital total loss of pigment or Vitiligo as whiteness in patches and acquired at any stage of life.2. Is Leucoderma and Vitiligo treatable?
Both Leucoderma and Vitiligo are the skin conditions characterized by either a loss in pigment or a loss in the capacity to produce pigment or as the destruction of the pigment producing cells themselves. Therefore, the treatment strategy remains the same in all such conditions of white patches. The strategy includes prevention of disease progress and induction of pigment production in the cells. As in most of the autoimmune disorders the medical scientists are not unanimous on the causative factors, any treatment aiming at improving the body immunity proves to be beneficial in the condition of all white patches. It has been observed that the Holistic approach practiced at Valeda shows encouraging results in most of the cases.3. What do you do in Holistic Treatment at Valeda?
Holistic care means the care for the whole person that is his mind, body and spirit and not the disease/ problem/ symptoms alone. Holistic system believes that the whole person is made up of independent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. In this way, if people have imbalances physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in their lives it can negatively affect their overall skin and hair. Holistic treatment would thus not only remove the symptoms along with the underlying cause of your problem / disease but would then also maintain your overall well being. To attain the Holistic Wellness the doctors at Valeda have envisaged the easy path that constitutes a Procedure Plan and a Product Plan. The Procedure Plan shall include the Constitutional Diet and Constitutional Homoeopathic Medicines along with Divine Detoxification and Relaxation. The Product Plan includes selected external applications for management of problem symptoms.Holistic treatment at Valeda is practiced in partnership with doctors and their patients. We shall Holistically diagnose the root causative factors of your problem and if need be then also by latest scientific modalities. The cause may not necessarily be into the problem area. It can be some other functional organ of the body. The cause may or may not be medically significant. The causative factors will decide the treatment strategy.
4. Are you having any solution for instant coloring of Vitiligo/ Leucoderma Patch?
Yes, the available cosmetic procedures, suitable for small areas, enable us to introduce inorganic matching pigments into the white patch for enhancing appearances.5. Can I treat Leucoderma with only local applications?
This depends on the nature of the problem and in very few cases it has been observed that pigmentation can be induced into a white patch by only local applications. In most of the cases a comprehensive Holistic approach is needed.6. How long will the treatment last?
The causative factors may not be necessarily based into the affected region and may be associated with disorders of internal organs. It is, 'the nature of the problem' that calls in for the strategy of the treatment. On examination by the concerned Doctor and on case taking these details are given to you as a routine procedure. It is commonly observed that if the response to the medication is positive the pigment may start to reappear within 1-3 months. Although the duration of treatment may vary from person to person and may continue for several months.7. Is there any side effects?
Treatments are safe and have been practiced since 39 years in Valeda.8. Is Leucoderma or Vitiligo infectious? Does it spread on touching?
Leucoderma is not contagious. One person cannot catch it from another.9. Where can I get more information and tips about my problems?
You can follow us on our Valeda blog, facebook page @valeda clinic and YouTube channel @valeda doctor.Ever since the year 1990 our Dr Seema Bali is often invited to express her views on this topic on various TV channels. More than hundred of TV recordings of her programs are available on YouTube channel; please visit
Valeda Herbal White Patches Youtube Channel
10. How much will the treatment cost?
Treatment cost will depend on the procedures recommended by the doctor taking the consultation. Recommended procedures depend on the nature of the problem and certain individual factors. Cost of some of the treatments & procedures for reference is mentioned in the following table:
The few obvious causes for leucoderma are:-
● Acquired idiopathic disorder.● Autoimmune disorder as suggested by the association with pernicious anemia, thyroid disease, etc.
● It is found to be more common in people with diabetes, alopecia areata and appears to be an immunological attack on the melanocyte.
● May be precipitated by injury or sunburn.
● Family history of the disease.
Why Valeda? How are treatments at Valeda different from any conventional mode?
Basis of treatment at ValedaThe basis of treatment at Valeda is treating the problem through Holistic Modes. A complete judicious program is required for the same.
The problem is not just external, there are many other causative factors in some other internal areas which are thoroughly analyzed during your consultation before starting the treatment.
The causative factors may not be necessarily based into the affected region and may be associated with disorders of internal organs.
It is, 'the nature of the problem' that calls in for the strategy of the treatment which may include internal remedies supported by external modalities like:- localized immune-enhancer activities to affected region i.e. acupuncture, applications of products with certified organic herbs, modernized cosmetology and procedures based on ancient principles as mentioned in classical text including Constitutional diet & Yoga. On examination by the concerned Doctor and on case taking these details are given to you as a routine procedure.